燧石讲座:原生家庭与学生心理健康 by 邵阳博士
anonymous-102262 06/01 58624.5/2
- 北加州第一位中国大陆背景的民选官员
- 毕业于中国科学技术大学,之后在哈佛大学获得化学博士学位,拥有二十年生物科技界的资深经验
- 加州司法委员会认证的法庭翻译,不仅在法庭上帮助华裔新移民享受平等权益,也参与多件国际瞩目的跨国案件庭审
- 热心公益服务,业余时间义务担任青少年辅导员,热衷保障后进学生享有公平教育的机会
- 2014年当选Fremont 市联合学区委员,学区内华人比例高,是硅谷地区第三大学区,学区有42所学校,学生总数超过34,000多名,监管学区三亿多美金的年度预算
- 同时在Fremont市和教会等多个非盈利机构做义工并担任理事,包括Fremont学区发烧友(FUSS4schools)及华益社(CBC)
1)Did your family quarrel intensively a lot?
2) Did you sometimes feel talking with parents needed to be careful?
3) Did your parents feel much inner pressure, urge, strong desire to get wealthy or some other things?
4) Did your parents feel they had to maintain certain public image?
5) Were your parents critical to you?
6) Did you feel when your scores and performance is good, you were more be liked and accepted by family members?
7). When had conflicts, did your family members attack and insult each other?
8). When you lived at home, did you sometimes feel it is very hard to know a family member’s true meaning/feeling just by listening to his/her words?
9). In your home did you have some one who insolently gave orders to others?
10). Did some one in your family make you feel you had to go along with him/her, so that conflicts could be avoided?
11)In your youth, did you feel uncomfortable to express freely?
12)When you were insulted or had failure outside home, and felt upset, did you not want to tell your parent?
13) when you wanted to take a break or just relaxed, would you like to go out side and play, rather than went back home?
14)as a child did you sometimes feel pressure about family member gathering?
15) Did you think your family is common compare with other families?