About Us 关于味道成都

4220-A Rosewood Drive, Pleasanton, CA 94588
味道成都致力于弘扬历经百年沧桑沉浮的川菜文化,展现川菜师傅的奇思妙想和手工艺精神。它是位于美国加州北部三谷地区Pleasanton(幸福屯) 的一家正宗川菜馆。三谷地区风景秀丽,人杰地灵,高科技产业蓬勃发展。这里拥有全美国最好的学区,也是美国最富裕的地区之一。味道成都紧靠高速公路580,离湾区唯一的超大型购物中心Livermore
outlets(奥特莱斯)仅一个出口,离另外一个大型购物中心Stoneridge Mall也是数分钟之遥,是外出和购物之后用餐的最佳选择。
Welcome to China Lounge. In creating one
of the most authentic Sichuan restaurants in the Bay Area, our team hopes to
stimulate your senses and awaken a curiosity about our rich culture.
Master chef Jian Li comes directly from
Precious, one of the most luxurious restaurants in Chengdu, the capital of
Sichuan Province. This menu celebrates both the spirit of ancient Sichuan cooking
and the bounty of California. We use wild fish, humanely raised meats and
poultry, and organic produce whenever possible. Everything we serve is created
on premises.
· Fire:
A common misconception is that all
Sichuan dishes are fiery hot. But each of our dishes is calibrated to best
highlight its particular ingredients. As you can see, we highlight the hotness
of each dish (most of which are relatively mild). The kitchen will be happy to
tone down or turn up the heat if requested, and our wine list and craft beer
selection are well suited to spice.
While many of our dishes may be familiar
to you, they are prepared in a more refined style. For our Kung-Pao chicken,
for example, Chef Li uses flavorful free-range thigh meat and creates a light
yet complex sauce with hints of citrus and the compelling tingle of Sichuan
peppercorns. The key to the full, rich flavors of Sichuan cuisine is the artful
use of spices and herbs--we don’t mask ingredients with fat and sugar.
We invite you to ask our servers for
guidance and to let us know if a particular dish doesn’t suit your tastes so
that we may replace it. We encourage you to be adventurous and to not be
intimidated by the unfamiliar. Our aim is simply to create a memorable and
rewarding dining experience. Many treasures await, so please explore and enjoy.
地址 Address:
电话 Phone:
网址 Website:
营业时间 Hours (Open daily):
11am – 3pm, 4pm – 9:30pm (Monday – Friday)
11am – 9:30pm (Saturday – Sunday)