【TOC 支持 Don Wagner 競選加州SD37選區參議員】
TP-1546 02/23 11271

現任加州共和党眾議員Don Wagner ,將競選加州SD37選區參議員席位。本選區包括了整個爾彎市及其他一些華人聚集區. Mr. Wagner特別強調,下面三個方面是他的工作重點:
1) 反SCA5。他一直十分注重與亞裔選民的聯繫,也十分了解與尊重亞裔重視教育的傳統,堅決反對類似SCA5的議案在加州重現。
2) 提高政府效率。他努力爭取減少政府對公司不必要的規章,使公司和個人能更有效達到他們的目標。
3) 打擊犯罪。他支持警察嚴厲打擊各種犯罪行為,保證加州人民生活在一個更加安全的環境里。
TOC義工代表們已通過和Mr. Wagner 見面會談,了解了他的基本政見以及對待華裔社區的態度。Mr. Wagner承諾會繼續加強和華裔社區的聯繫,傾聽華裔的普遍訴求和了解華裔的關心議題。金橙俱樂部(TOC )認為Mr. Wagner是比較符合我們一直秉承的理念的適當候選人,我們將盡力支持他當選加州參議員,就此也呼籲大家能一起出來、統一投票給他。請記住:特殊選舉日是3月17日.
Assemblyman Donald P. Wagner (Republican – Irvine) is running for the 37th State Senate seat. The district comprises of the following cities: Irvine, Newport Beach, Tustin, Villa Park, Orange, Anaheim Hills, Lake Forest, Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, Laguna Beach, and Laguna Woods.
He is endorsed by popular Congressman Ed Royce and Congresswoman Mimi Walters and also by organizations like California Small Business Association and the Orange County Taxpayers PAC.
These are his positions in communities that affect the Chinese American community and reasons why we should VOTE FOR DON WAGNER FOR STATE SENATE.
1. NO on SCA5
Back in 2014, the Democrats proposed legislation that would block the entry of thousands of Asian Americans into the CSU and UC college systems simply because of their race. Assemblyman Don Wagner boldly stood against SCA 5 on the Assembly Floor and released a public statement condemning the use of affirmative action in admission decisions for the UC’s. He opposes SCA 5 and wants to improve the K-12 education thereby energizing the future workforce.
2. Efficient Government
Don is running on a platform to make Government more efficient and business friendly in California. There are too many business regulations that prevent workers and business owners from achieving their goals and maximizing profits. Don believes in a smaller form of government where private citizens will be protected and not excessively taxed. Don wants to reduce state regulations and spend wisely on water and transportation projects to improve the quality of life for the public.
3. Tough on Crime – Strong on Public Safety
Don supports local law enforcement. He has proposed legislation that helps the District Attorney’s office prosecute criminals to make our public safer and our children protected. He is support by law enforcement personnel and endorsed by Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens.