中國 65 週年國慶 (夏威夷),有華人聯合總會精彩的國慶晚會在先,中美文化交流會緊跟其後,這次節日真是熱鬧非凡

Johnson Choi-1008  09/24   9190  

中國 65 週年國慶 (夏威夷),有華人聯合總會精彩的國慶晚會在先,中美文化交流會緊跟其後,這次節日真是熱鬧非凡


夏威夷大學學生學者聯誼會也將於本週日晚上(9月28日2014)獻上我們自己的國慶晚會, 并有幸邀請到中國駐洛杉磯大使館的袁東參讚和李利群領事親臨指導。晚會有精彩的歌舞,雜技,武術,還有激動人心的抽獎。我們誠邀您和家人朋友的光臨,共慶祖國盛事!

晚會將在UHM校區內的 Orivis 音樂廳舉行。5:30-6:30 提供飯食,7:00 晚會正式開場。期待您的光臨!也歡迎您轉發此郵件。



Chinese National Day are just around the corner. Chinese Students and Scholars Association at UH invite you and your family to our annual Chinese National Day Celebration. We are going to have an informal dinner followed by Chinese folk songs and dance, traditional instrument performance, freestyle dance, acrobatics, Kongfu show, etc. performed by mostly UH students.   We sincerely hope you and your guest can attend and share a night of celebration with us. 

Time: 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm (Dinner)

7:00 pm -  9:30 pm(Performance)
Location: Orvis Auditorium, Music Department (UH)
Admission: Free
We looking forward to seeing you!

1. location:
Orvis Auditorium - University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96826
2. Parking:There are parking lot in campus, but parking fee is required. 

Liye Li 
Chinese Student Scholar Association 2014-15