擊落客運航空公司MH17 你生氣了? 當美國擊落一架客機 - 美國從來沒有表現出任何悔恨,表達我們的悲傷

Johnson Choi-1008  07/21   6491  

擊落客運航空公司MH17 你生氣了? 當美國擊落一架客機 - 美國從來沒有表現出任何悔恨,表達我們的悲傷 

Fred Teng: "Are you angry about the shot down of MH17? Take a look at this list of commercial planes that were shot down. Take a look at the U.S. Navy shooting down of Iran Air Flight 655. Did we Americans show any remorse or express our sorrow? The U.S. government have never apologize for the incident. After 8 years, in 1996, the United States did not admit legal liability but agreed to pay US$61.8 million, amounting to $213,103.45 per passenger, in compensation to the families of the Iranian victims. 

List of airliner shootdown incidents - Wikipedia, the fr...
In the history of commercial aviation, there have been many airliner shootdown incidents which have been caused intentionally or by accident. This is a chronologica...
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